Chase Customer Service Phone Number

Chase Customer Service Phone Number.

List of all Chase Bank Customer Service phone numbers & contact methods for Chase Online Banking, Chase Auto Finance, Chase Credit Cards, Mortgages and Loans, Accounts Support, Bill Pay, Complaints and Small Businesses.

The list includes phone numbers, email and mail addresses, Live Chat and Social Media contacts.

For the entire list of numbers, please see the page: Chase Customer Service Phone Numbers.

Chase Bank Customer Service Number: 1-800-935-9935


200 White Clay Center Dr, Newark, DE 19711

Map Location:

6 thoughts on “Chase Customer Service Phone Number”

  1. Chase Auto Loan Section poor customer service just making their $8 an hour do not care. Title release are unavailable did not release title to State for tags, unable to verify if fax received or in process “as we don’t have access to that department” . After 3 call paid off loan took to another company to get my car titled.


  2. The last three years I have been trying to get Chase on the phone from Singapore whenever I’m on vacation and it is impossible. Now I have a new card which was sent to me by ups and I need to activate it but the recorded message says “we are experiencing technical difficulties, so please call later. This is the same problem I had when I tried to contact 3 years ago. So now it looks like I can’t use the card because I cannot get through to anyone from Singapore. I have tried all the numbers behind the card, even the international collect. Please advice.

  3. I recently drowned my phone, along with my contacts. One of those numbers was the one I send “bal” to Chase to get my balances. I still have the same phone number for my phone but I need to know what the bank’s number is?

    1. No matter which Chase account you’d like to access, always send your message to “24273” – or “Chase” on your keypad.

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